I have read many reports on what the best time is to tweet but what about user interaction? If you share something, when is the most likely time people will see it and click on your link? The popular URL shortener Bit.ly has some interesting data to help answer this question. The infographic below also helps us understand times of the day when we should avoid posting to Twitter and Facebook.

If you look at the times shown in the infographic it suggests that you should post important content during the hours of 1pm and 3pm. This is the few hours after lunch where people must ease back into work. It also suggests to avoid posting after 8pm on any day and after 3pm on Fridays.

I also think that the appropriate time to post depends on who your target market is and what kind of product or service you are marketing. If you are posting about B2B related content you may want to post earlier when business people are at work. If you are posting about video game related content you may want to post later in the day when people are home playing games.

Here is the infographic. What do you think? Have you had any success with posting during certain times of the day?

Best Time to Post on Twitter and Facebook

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