There Are Those Days As A Creative, I Want To Quit!

The audio this video is set to has re-inspired me countless times when I find myself back in that “Gap” that Ira Glass explains so well as a place where our expectations for our work is not aligning with our taste. Though the Gap has closed to become more of a crack for me, on […]

City of Angels

I just got finished watching a video produced by 30 Seconds to Mars about Los Angeles. The video included various cameos from famous people talking about what the city gave them, what people expect of them and how they feel about certain things. It was pretty amazing. It’s not often that we get to hear […]

Don’t Give Up On Being Creative

Over the years I have sought out creative inspiration from many places. The internet has given me inspiration to create and to always try to take it to the next level. The internet is not always kind in return however. In the past, you would do work and a small audience would have access to […]