Things I’m Into (June 2017)

Things Jerad Hill Likes Summer June 2017

I am a Bon vivant of technology. That’s really just a fancy way of saying that I like tech and do what I can to obtain it. I enjoy experiencing new technology or refined versions of existing tech. I love talking about it and sharing it with others. During a meeting earlier today I was […]

Father & 7 Year Old Daughter Start Metal Band

This is awesome. I hope to do fun things with my kids like this. This guy, who is obviously a musician with a love for metal put a fun song called “I want pancakes” up on SoundCloud that he created with his 7-year-old daughter. The lyrics are fun and the music is… well it’s brutal! […]

Amazing Music From Artists In My Church

Big Valley Grace Worship

My love for music goes back to childhood. I have always immersed myself in music and even attempted at playing a few instruments myself during my high school years. I love to feel music, to get lost in it’s melody and beat. It helps me relax my mind and connect with a different part of […]