I Have a 5 Year Old

Today marked a milestone. From what I understand, it is his “Golden Birthday.” Not sure what that means. I would think your golden birthday is when you turn 100. Regardless, my son is now five years old and I am sitting here trying to figure out just how I got here. The last five years […]

Money Ain’t The Motive

I can’t honestly start this post off by saying money has never been a motive of mine. When I was younger, money was a motive. I wanted to make more of it, so I could buy things. Money was not talked about as it is today. There were no podcasts on finances. Only people older than your […]

Parenting, Life, Business & Freedom in 2015

Let me apologize in advance by saying that this post is a mess. It’s a mess of thoughts, emotions and frustrations most of which are not in any specific order. I just started typing about where I am at right now and stuff came out. So if you are interested, read on. Well, it’s 2015 […]

Some things are just hard

This summer has proven to be pretty challenging. Though we have also had some good times, my family and I have been met with many challenges. Owning your own business and having a young family of 5 makes for a pretty busy life. I wouldn’t trade it for the world, I love my life and […]

Parenting Tip: Properly store the potty training toilet

Here is a tip for you parents who are currently going through or have recently finished potty training your child. When you are finished with the potty training toilet, make sure that you properly store it somewhere that is not easily accessible to your child. Failure to do so will result in you randomly happening […]

I think I have developed social anxiety

Don’t get me wrong, when I am in a public situation, I am just fine. The problem is when I have to figure out something to do with my spare time. It’s when there is no agenda that I have issues. I don’t have any problem being alone. I can do that all day, its […]