Review: Razor Ground Force Drifter Kart

Razor Ground Force Drifter Kart

Very excited to review the Razor Ground Force Drifter Kart, an excellent buy. These electric karts are a lot of fun. My kids love them. My kids love speed. They get it from me. I grew up racing and enjoy driving. It must be in our blood but my kids took to cars and racing […]

Staying Focused on the Curves Ahead

This year marks the 15th year that I have been working for myself with no other source of income other than what I have been able to generate on my own. When I started my first business I was 18 years old. I attempted to build an online business that was way before its time. […]

Driving Go Quads with my Brother

My brother and I used to have a couple of these Go Quad pocket GoKarts. We used to take them to parking lots and race until we ran out of gas or got kicked out. They are loads of fun. Now that my son is old enough to drive one, I bought a couple of […]

We Are Car Builders

Building Cars at Ridemakerz Disneyland

Thats right! My son and I built our first car together. Such a proud moment for a Dad. From a very young age I was working on things and turning wrenches. I love the fact that my son has such a love and imagination for cars. I had no idea that such a place as […]

Little Tikes Gymkhana – Baby Drifting

This is what Liam, my 14 month old son and I do on a regular evening. Circle tracking the house is our favorite past time. This video is best at Full Screen with the Volume Up! Shot with 1 GoPro camera mounted in various places. The lighting in the house was less than desirable being […]