Actively Listening In Social Networks

I know that most of you have had it up to hear with people telling you how you can find business in the social networks but hear me out. If you listen for the right cues you will notice that people are asking for your help, they just don’t know it. We naturally want to […]

Realtors – DemandSpot is an online leads system for Twitter

If you are a Realtor and you have heard of Twitter then you need to check out DemandSpot.Com. DemandSpot allows you to easily find people on Twitter who are talking about purchasing a home with in your area. Simply type in your location, set the radius and DemandSpot gives you a way to contact these […]

Tweetadder – Twitter Marketing Software

I know exactly what you are thinking, you are rolling your eyes at the idea of a Twitter bot. You may even remember how annoying they were when used incorrectly on Myspace. I want to share my experiences with Tweetadder and explain to you why it is a must have tool for anyone who takes […]

Twittastic Networking in Modesto

Last Wednesday about 50 Modesto locals collectively showed up at Hero’s Pizza to socialize and network. Those in attendance ranged from homemaker Moms to Presidents of large companies in our area. All of us had one thing in common, we all used the social network called Twitter. If you are unsure as to what this […]