If you are a Realtor and you have heard of Twitter then you need to check out DemandSpot.Com. DemandSpot allows you to easily find people on Twitter who are talking about purchasing a home with in your area. Simply type in your location, set the radius and DemandSpot gives you a way to contact these people talking about homes. The great thing about Twitter is that it allows us to listen for opportunities in a way we never could before. DemandSpot aggregates all of the Real Estate related tweets into one place and allows you to search by location.

It provides nothing other then leads but at least you know the person was actually interested in searching for a home, I mean they tweeted it right? DemandSpot is a free service as of the time I am posting this. Their service is in Alpha so I am sure it will improve greatly over time.

Check out DemandSpot: http://demandspot.com

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