I’m In A Notion Slump!

I'm in a Notion Slump - How I'm Using Notion to be more Self-Aware

If your year has gone like mine, it started out pretty fantastic with an almost unlimited amount of motivation. It’s a new decade and a perfect time to hit the ground running. Now that we are well into the year, some of that excitement has worn off and I have recently found myself in a […]

You Should Start On That One Thing, Here’s How!

Hey friends, It’s been a busy week. I sent out my first Weekly Newsletter last week to over 21,000 people and only 1.9% dropped off. Thank you so much for sticking around to see what this thing becomes. I have some interesting stuff for you this week that I think you’re going to like including […]

Alternatives to the Paper Business Card

To be honest, I am tired of business cards. We are at a place in our connected world of technology where we can get information on pretty much anything on our smart devices in seconds. Why are we still handing out business cards? Over the last few years since I decided to form Hill Media […]

5 Reasons Why I Have A Hard Time Focusing On Projects

Jerad Hill Focus Notifications

This last few years have been very challenging for me. Since I started a family, my brain has changed or maybe I should say, the environment in which my brain was used to living has changed. I have noticed that the more personal responsibility I take on, the harder it is for me to focus […]