
Charity begins at home. So does uncharity. C.S. Lewis I read this statement from C.S. Lewis many years ago, likely before starting a family. Now having kids that are approaching their teen years, the quote rings differently. My children will learn to treat people as taught by example at home. It starts at home with […]

30 Hours in Solitude

I spent 30 hours alone in a small cabin out in the wilderness with no technology. Everything was left behind for some time to think. I planned to do some hiking as well but forgot my snow boots. It ended up better that way because it gave me time to think. This time alone away […]


Shame derives it’s powers from being unspeakable. That’s why it loves perfectionists. It’s easy to keep us quiet. Brene Brown This quote rings true in my life in many ways. Shame has perpetuated the majority of negative actions in my life. Without going into the details of my sin, shame has kept me returning to […]


What is communication but an expression of expectations? Communication is the imparting or exchanging of information or news (Wikipedia). Nothing new here so far. However, there is more going on there. It is never just the facts when imparting or exchanging information or news. We also look to transfer our take on the topic or […]

The First Gathering

I just returned from a short trip to Texas where I met up with a small group of guys from the life group my wife and I used to be a part of. Some of us have moved to other states so we got together in Texas to catch up. There was a core purpose […]

Doing vs Being

We are busy people. We wear our busyness on our chest like a badge of honor. Smalltalk often starts with a question related to busyness. We are so busy doing we rarely take time to consider being. I have heard the phrase, “we’re human beings, not human doings.” However, it is most often our doings […]